Medical doors are one of the most important facilities in hospitals, which not only require good fire and smoke resistance, but also high sealing and durability. Next, let's learn about the production process and standards of medical doors.

  Firstly, the production process of medical doors includes the following steps:

1. Design: Based on the actual needs and building structure of the hospital, design medical door styles and specifications that meet the requirements.

2. Material preparation: Select steel or aluminum alloy materials that meet national standards, and carry out material processing and treatment.

3. Making door leaf: According to the design drawings, weld and assemble the processed materials to make the door leaf of the medical door.

4. Install hardware accessories: Install hardware accessories such as door locks, door handles, and door hinges to ensure their quality and stability.

5. Surface treatment: Spray or electrophoretically treat the surface of the door leaf to enhance its corrosion resistance.

6. Quality inspection: Conduct strict quality inspection on the produced medical doors to ensure that they meet relevant standards and requirements.

Secondly, the production standards for medical doors mainly include the following aspects:

1. Fire resistance: Medical doors need to meet the national standard fire resistance requirements, be able to withstand the invasion of fire for a certain period of time, and ensure the safety of personnel and property inside the hospital.

2. Smoke prevention performance: Medical doors need to have good smoke prevention performance, which can effectively isolate smoke and protect the respiratory health of personnel.

3. Sealing performance: Medical doors need to have high sealing performance, which can effectively isolate the cross transmission of air and bacteria, ensuring the hygiene environment inside the hospital.

4. Durability: Medical doors need to undergo strict quality inspection to ensure their durability and stability, and can be used for a long time without failure.

  In short, the production process and standards of medical doors need to strictly follow national standards and the actual needs of hospitals to ensure that the quality and performance of medical doors meet the requirements and provide hospitals with a safe and comfortable environment for use.