Example of medical airtight door standard: Medical airtight door refers to a door with airtight performance used in medical environments to prevent gas from escaping or entering, ensuring the safety and hygiene of the medical environment. The standards for medical airtight doors are usually established by relevant national standard organizations or national health institutions, and may vary by region.

Here are some common examples of medical airtight door standards:

1. International standards: The widely used medical airtight door standards internationally include ISO 14644-1 (Classification, Design, and Operation Requirements for Cleanrooms and Related Controlled Environments) and ISO 10651-2 (Safety of Medical Equipment and Systems, Part 2: Requirements for Gas Delivery Supply Systems and Airtight Devices).

2. National standards: Each country has established medical airtight door standards based on its own laws, regulations, and industry requirements. For example, in China, the standards for medical airtight doors can refer to the "Design Code for Hospital Clean Operating Rooms" (GB 50333) and the "Design Standard for Medical Gas Pipeline Systems" (GB 8578).

3. Industry standards: In addition to national standards, industry organizations and associations also release standards and guidelines for medical airtight doors to guide hospitals and manufacturers in designing, selecting, and using airtight doors. For example, the American Association of Medical Equipment Manufacturers (AAMI) has released a series of standards related to medical devices and systems, including those related to airtight doors.

    The above are medical door standards: these standards usually include technical requirements, performance indicators, testing methods, installation and maintenance requirements for medical airtight doors. The standard for medical airtight doors aims to ensure that they have appropriate airtight performance to effectively control gas flow in medical environments, thereby ensuring the safety and health of patients and medical staff. When selecting and installing medical airtight doors, one should refer to the corresponding standards and follow the guidance and recommendations provided by the manufacturer.